Bibliography - Articles
CT = semiyearly review “Cimbri/Tzimbar”, Verona;
IP = review “Il Polo”, Civitanova Marche (Macerata), and successively Fermo;
NT = “Il nostro tempo”, periodical, Verona;
QP = semiyearly review “Quadrante padano”, Mantua;
RIOn = semiyearly review “Rivista italiana di onomastica”, Rome;
TC = quarterly review “Terra cimbra”, Giazza (Verona);
VGR = quarterly review “Vita di Giazza e di Roana”, Giazza (Verona);
VV = two-monthly review “Vita veronese”, Verona.
1. Saggio di un’etimologia dei cognomi di origine tredicicomunigiana - in “Vita di Ljetzan/Giazza” no. 4, 1970, pages 9-14.
(Essay of an etymology of the family names originated in the XIII Comuni.) A first attempt, with many uncertainties, to explain the Cimbrian family names originated in the XIII Comuni. About 250 family names are listed here.
2. Appendice ai “Cenni sui cognomi veronesi” - in VV, from no. 1-2,1973, to no. 5-6, 1974.
(Appendix to the “Hints about the Veronese family names”.) A reconsideration of many former etymologies, with the addition of family names which before had not been included. In 8 issues of the review about 400 family names are dealt with, for a total of 60 pages.
3. Appendice al “Saggio di un’etimologia dei cognomi di origine tredicicomunigiana” - in VGR, from no. 13-16, 1974, to no. 24, 1975.
(Appendix to the “Essay of an etymology of the family names originated in the XIII Comuni”.) A reconsideration of former etymologies, with some new family names. In 6 issues of the review about 200 family names are dealt with, for a total of 29 pages.
4. L’antifrasi nel dialetto veronese - in VV no. 3-4, 1975, pages 66-72.
(The antiphrasis in the Veronese dialect.) 32 samples of antiphrastic words or sentences are given here.
5. Note etimologiche sui cognomi di origine cimbra: Podrècca - in VGR no. 25, 1976, page 23.
(Etymological notes on the family names of Cimbrian origin: Podrècca.)
6. Note etimologiche sui cognomi di origine cimbra: Càmpara, Cichelléro, Cecchele - in VGR no. 26, 1976, pages 12-13.
(Etymological notes about the family names of Cimbrian origin: Càmpara, Cichelléro, Cecchele.)
7. Fu Agostino Dal Pozzo a trascrivere la “Grammatica” dello Slaviero - in VGR no. 27, 1976, pages 5-9.
(Agostino Dal Pozzo was the transcriber of Slaviero’s “Grammar”.) By a thorough examination of the manuscript, Rapelli comes to the conclusion that it was written by A. Dal Pozzo, and not by Slaviero.
8. Piccole questioni etimologiche - in VV no. 10-12, 1976, pages 258-263.
(Minor etymological issues.) Here four Veronese expressions are discussed: le scaúje ‘the sweepings, garbage’, the prefix stra-, strassaról ‘ragman’, la bòle ‘chestnut-tart’.
9. Considerazioni sull’origine dell’eschimese - in IP no. 4, 1977, pages 70-76 (First Part), and no. 1, 1978, pages 5-11 (Second Part).
(Considerations about the origin of Eskimo.) An attempt to classify Eskimo genetically in the light of its relationship with Japanese and Indo-European.
10. Cognomi veronesi e dialettologia - in TC no. 29, 1977, pages 18-26.
(Veronese family names and dialectology.) A paper presented to the First Meeting of Venetian Dialectology, organized by the Municipality of Verona on June 11, 1977 (the papers were never published due to various problems). Here the author remarks that the family names often preserve archaic morphemes, phonemes, and lexemes.
11. Problemi storici: Bartolomeo Rubele - in TC no. 31, 1977, pages 9-10.
(Historical problems: Bartolomeo Rubele.) Here the etymology of the family name is given.
12. L’iscrizione della “Tezza Vecchia” - in TC no. 33, 1978, pages 33-35.
(The inscription of the “Tezza Vecchia”.) An examination of a nineteenth-century inscription on a rustic building at Valdiporro, discovered in 1977. In opposition to what generally thought, nothing of it is Cimbrian. It is engraved almost all in odd pseudo-Gothic characters; Rapelli gives a thorough translation of it, demonstrating that it is divided in four sections, two in Italian, one in Latin, and one in German.
13. Due importanti fonti per la storia dei Cimbri - in TC no. 34, 1978, pages 15-21.
(Two important sources for the history of the Cimbri.) A little review of two works by Giovanni Mantese: Storia di Schio (1955) and Storia di Valdagno (1966). Some passages are quoted, together with a comment.
14. Sulla dispersione dei Cimbri dei XIII Comuni - in Tradizioni e folklore nel Veronese: alla ricerca della cultura popolare, edited by Giancarlo Volpato, Edizioni Il Nuovo Veronese, Verona 1979, pages 13-17. Republished in TC no. 33, 1978, pages 12-16 (this review appeared always with some delay).
(On the scattering of the Cimbri of the XIII Communes.) Rapelli deals here for the first time with the “Diaspora” of the Veronese Cimbri, with reference to the decomposition of the linguistic island between the XVI and the XVII century.
15. Vitalità dei dialetti - in VV no. 1-2, 1980, pages 24-29.
(Vitality of dialects.) An essay written to confute an article by Alessandra Truzzi (appeared in “Adige Panorama”, Bolzano, Dec. 1979, page 22). In her article the authoress maintained among other things that dialect “finds its place in a society of rustic or craftsmanlike type”, and “that the disappearance of dialects is a loss also for the national language is a proposition all but demonstrable”. Rapelli offers here a short story in official Italian where as many as 36 words derive from dialects. As the essay was published with a lot of wrong letters, it reappeared corrected in TC no. 37-38, 1979, pages 43-47 (this review was issued always with some delay).
16. Può l’eschimese essere imparentato con l’indoeuropeo? - in IP no. 2, 1982, pages 34-44 (First Part), and no. 2, 1980, pages 40-48 (Second Part). The First Part appeared with two years of delay due to technical problems.
(Can Eskimo Be Related to Indo-European?) The First Part is a translation of the essay by Louis L. Hammerich (1892-1975) Can Eskimo Be Related to Indo-European?, in IJAL 17, 4, 1951, pages 217-233. The Second Part is a comment of the First one.
17. Noterelle etimologiche: “sóto scóa” - in VV no. 9-10, 1981, pages 216-218.
(Little etymological notes: “sóto scóa”.)
18. Noterelle etimologiche: l’“asià” - in VV no. 11-12, 1981, pages 261-262.
(Little etymological notes: the “asià”.)
19. Bavaresi in Val d’Illasi nell’XI secolo? - in TC no. 45, 1981, pages 17-24.
(Bavarians in the Illasi Valley in the XI century?) An essay written to confute a paper by Hugo Resch (in TC no. 43, 1980) in which he wanted to maintain—on the ground of an XI-century document from Benediktbeuern published by Schmeller—that the first Cimbri settled in the area of Badia Calavena. Rapelli proves that this cannot not true.
20. Noterelle etimologiche: “maiàr” - in VV no. 3-4, 1982, pages 93-96.
(Little etymological notes: “majàr”.)
21. Il “tauč” di Giazza: note di grammatica - in Civiltà cimbra: la cultura dei Cimbri dei Tredici Comuni Veronesi, edited by Giancarlo Volpato, Bi & Gi Editori, Verona 1983, pages 35-47.
(The “tauč” of Giazza: notes of grammar.)
22. L’onomastica personale e familiare nella Lessinia cimbra - in Civiltà cimbra: la cultura dei Cimbri dei Tredici Comuni Veronesi, edited by Giancarlo Volpato, Bi & Gi Editori, Verona 1983, pages 49-55.
(The person’s and family’s names in the Cimbrian Lessinia.)
23. Per una storia dei Cimbri tredicicomunigiani - in Civiltà cimbra: la cultura dei Cimbri dei Tredici Comuni Veronesi, edited by Giancarlo Volpato, Bi & Gi Editori, Verona 1983, pages 75-83.
(For a history of the XIII-Communes Cimbri.)
24. I frammenti del Righi su Giazza - in TC no. 59, 1985, pages 11-44.
(The fragments by Righi on Giazza.) Thorough reproduction—with philological and linguistical comment—of the five fragments by Ettore Scipione Righi concerning Giazza and preserved in the Fondo Manoscritti of the Biblioteca Civica of Verona. In Testi cimbri (see Books, § 2) Rapelli had reproduced only what in the manuscripts was Cimbrian.
25. Toponomastica - in Cerro Veronese, edited by Giuseppe Franco Viviani, Bi & Gi Editori, Verona 1985, pages 269-281.
26. Spigolature di linguistica veronese - in “Civiltà veronese” no. 3, 1985, pages 81-86.
(Little notes of Veronese linguistics.) It is divided in five little chapters: A nursery rhyme; Other antiphrases; Other examples of stra- from trans-; The drop of -l-/-r- before sibilant; The hypercorrection -er- for -ar-.
27. Toponimi per la Campagna - in Sommacampagna: un territorio, una comunità, edited by Giuseppe Franco Viviani, Comune di Sommacamp. / Comitato di Gestione della Biblioteca, Sommacampagna (Verona) 1986, pages 321-323.
(Place names in the Campagna.)
28. Cognomi, contrade e toponimi di Campofontana - in Campofontana: frammenti di storia e di vita d’una comunità “cimbra” della Lessinia orientale, edited by Piero Piazzola, Pro Loco & Parrocchia di Campof., Campofontana (Verona) 1986, pages 27-36.
(Surnames, localities, and place names of Campofontana.)
29. Il “Lied vom braven Manne” di G. A. Bürger - in TC no. 63, 1986, pages 45-52.
(The Lied vom braven Manne by G. A. Bürger.)
30. Corrispondenza in cimbro dei fratelli Cipolla - in TC no. 65, 1987, pages 11-15.
(Mail in Cimbrian of the Cipolla brothers.) Here appears the text of four—so far unpublished—postcards which the Cipolla brothers exchanged in Cimbrian between July 1880 and November 1882: three by Francesco to Carlo, one by Carlo to Francesco. A philological comment follows.
31. Comment and notes to the photostatic reprint (Curatorium Cimbricum Veronense, Verona 1987, reprinted 1994) of Mons. Giuseppe Cappelletti, Cenno storico sulle popolazioni dei XIII Comuni Veronesi... [= ‘Historical notes about the people of the XIII Veronese Communes’], Verona 1925.
It includes three little chapters: Who was the author; The XIII-Communes Cimbrian and its position inside the Cimbrian dialects; Notes and comment to the Cenno storico.
32. Il significato dei nomi di località - in Vestenanova: uomo, ambiente, cose e avvenimenti, edited by Piero Piazzola, Edizioni Scaligere, Bosco Chiesanuova (Verona) 1988, pages 88-114.
(The meaning of the place names.)
33. Mons. Giuseppe Cappelletti - in AA. VV., Val d’Illasi e Val di Mezzane: note sul territorio, Gruppo Culturale “Giorgio Anselmi” / Verona Immagini editrice, Verona 1988, pages 19-25.
A biography of the well-deserving priest.
34. Il territorio di Lavagno nei nomi delle sue vie e delle sue contrade - in Lavagno: una comunità e un territorio attraverso i secoli, edited by Giancarlo Volpato, Comune di Lav., Lavagno (Verona) 1988, pages 363-378.
(The area of Lavagno in the names of its roads and of its localities.)
35. L’ultimo testo di Eligio Faggioni - in CT no. 2, 1989, pages 12-20.
(The last text by Eligio Faggioni.) A poem by the worker-poet of Giazza, which he left engraved on tape together with its translation in Italian (but without a corresponding Cimbrian written text). Rapelli gives here the transcription of the poem together with both the translation by Faggioni and his.
36. Noterelle di toponomastica in Fumane e le sue comunità, vol. I (Fumane, Cavalo, Mazzurega), edited by Pierpaolo Brugnoli, Comune di Fumane, Fumane (Verona) 1990.
(Little notes of toponymy.) Divided in: Names from geographical features, plants, and animals, pages 28-29; More ancient localities, pages 44-45; Names of doubtful or unknown etymology, pages 57-58; Place names from personal names, surnames, or nicknames, page 319.
37. Glossarietto dei prestiti cimbri nei dialetti veneto-trentini - in CT no. 3-4, 1990-91, pages 17-42.
(Little glossary of the Cimbrian loans in the Venetian-Tridentine dialects.) A collection of about hundred terms that the Venetian and Tridentine dialects adopted from the Cimbrian speeches, with a linguistical comment.
38. La toponomastica - in Illasi: una colonia, un feudo, una comunità, edited by Giuseppe Franco Viviani, Comune di Illasi, Illasi (Verona) 1991, pages 258-266.
(The toponymy.)
39. Etruschi e Reti - in QP no. 2, August 1992, pages 46-51.
(Etruscans and Rhaetians.) A popularizing article on the Etruscans and their minor branch, the Rhaetians.
40. Il significato dei nomi di località - in San Bartolomeo delle Montagne: cinquecento anni di storie, memorie e vicende umane, religiose, civili e sociali, edited by Piero Piazzola, Parrocchia di S. Bortolo, S. Bortolo delle Montagne (Verona) 1993, pages 73-90.
(The meaning of the place names.)
41. Again on the Etymology of Eskimo “arnaq” (woman) - in IP no. 2, 1994, pages 33-35.
42. Voci cimbre nei dialetti veneti - in CT no. 12, 1994, pages 133-136.
(Cimbrian terms in the Venetian dialects.) An article which integrates the essay § 37 above. Here 6 words are reconsidered, and 5 further words are proposed.
43. Die Familiennamen der Dreizehn und Sieben Gemeinden [= ‘The surnames of the XIII and Seven Communes’] - in “Germanistische Linguistik” 124-125, 1994, “Studien zur Dialektologie” III (“Die deutschen Sprachinseln in den Südalpen: Mundarten und Volkstum”), edited by Maria Hornung, Forschungsinstitut für deutsche Sprache / Deutscher Sprachatlas, Marburg an der Lahn 1994, pages 59-78.
(The surnames of the XIII and Seven Communes.) An essay which deals with the Cimbrian family names that originated in the two linguistical islands, divided in these little chapters: Historical evolution; Phonetics; Translations into Italian; Meaning of the Cimbrian surnames; Archaisms; Surnames which come with reasonable certainty from the XIII and Seven Communes; Surnames which perhaps may be assigned to the XIII and Seven Communes.
44. L’elemento slavo nei cognomi del Gargano - in “Puglia Daunia”, review of Manfredonia (Foggia), no. 1, 1995, pages 35-38.
(The Slavic element in the Gargano family names.) Here 15 surnames of sure or almost sure Slavic origin are analyzed, besides other 15 which could go back to the same origin.
45. Toponimi della vallata d’Illasi - in CT no. 16, 1996, pages 41-60.
(Place names of the Illasi Valley.)
46. Note su alcuni antichi etimi veneti del cimbro tredicicomunigiano - in CT no. 18, 1997, pages 121-130.
(Notes on some ancient Venetian etymologies of the XIII-Communes Cimbrian.) Here the author maintains that some terms passed from Venetian into XIII Communes-Cimbrian offer indications not only about the time when the Cimbri arrived in the Veronese area, but also about the conditions of the Veronese speech at the end of the XIII century (for example the names of Velo and Calavena, the term for ‘onion’, etc.).
47. Problemi etimologici: cognomi “Cimadomo” e “Bartiromo/Bartilomo”, nome “Auremplax/Oremplase” – in RIOn no. 1, 2000, pages 152-154.
(Etymological problems: surnames Cimadomo and Bartiromo/Bartilomo, personal name Auremplax/Oremplase.) The family names are here put among the derivations from uomo. The first one may have originated the Treviso place name Cimadolmo, whose etymology has not been satisfactorily explained, and for the other two Rapelli proposes the etymon martir’uomo (on the ground of the Bari surname Martiradonna). As to the personal name, which is a female name, it is explained as ‘now I like her’.
48. Il Maffei e i Cimbri dopo la “Verona illustrata” – in CT no. 24, 2000, pages 97-104.
(Maffei and the Cimbri after his “Verona illustrata”.) The publication of a letter so far unknown written by Scipione Maffei in 1734 to a Danish scholar impels towards a critical revision of the common opinion about the behavior of the great man with regard to Cimbrian. Rapelli infers that actually Maffei did no more concern himself in the Cimbrian question in the twenty years elapsed between the drawing up of his “Verona illustrata” and his letter to the Dane.
49. Un signore di altri tempi – in CT no. 24, 2000, pages 119-123.
(A gentleman of old times.) A commemoration of Giovanni Tassoni, the folklorist born at Viadana who deceased in March, 2000. Of the scholar, some deeply human features are remembered.
50. San Giorgio Ingannapoltrón – in RIOn no. 2, 2000, pages 500-501.
(San Giorgio Ingannapoltrón.) A new etymology of the odd place name: it is likely to be born in antithesis to the denomination of the church of S. Pietro Inganamaiore or Henganamaiore, mentioned in the Veronese area in 1213.
51. Problemi etimologici: “Pallavicini” – in RIOn no. 1, 2001, pages 149-150.
(Etymological problems: Pallavicini.) The author proposes the derivation of the well-known surname from the ancient personal name Paravíso or Paravís ‘Paradise’, hence *Paravisín ‘little Paradise’; only successively there would have occurred the contamination with the formula pela-vicino (= ‘peel the neighbor!’). This etymology has been fully shared by Ottavio Lurati in RIOn no. 1, 2002, page 192.
52. Due popoli a contatto: Italiani e Tedeschi in Lessinia – in CT no. 26, 2001, pages 27-38.
(Two peoples in contact: Italians and Germans in Lessinia.) Text of a report at the meeting on “The Lessinia between Germanism and Latinity”, organized by the Centrum Latinitatis Europae at Bosco Chiesanuova on July 19, 2000. It regards the relations that took place between Germans and Veronese natives since the initial years of the German settling in Lessinia. The author’s conclusion is that racial variances never occurred, nor among the Veronese people against the newcomers or vice versa. The coexistence was generally accepted without great problems.
53. Cimbro e alto tedesco – in CT no. 28, 2002, pages 11-20.
(Cimbrian and high German.) Article which explains the position of Cimbrian inside the German languages, giving as well a panorama of the high-German dialects.
54. L’italianizzazione degli odonimi tradizionali di Verona – in RIOn no. 1, 2003, pages 94-96.
(The italianization of the traditional odonyms of Verona.) Here the author deals in outline with the principle with which the names of the streets and the squares of Verona were italianized soon after the Unity. Rapelli remarks that some odonyms commonly thought as wrong translations from the dialect (as for instance Vicolo Crocioni, Vicolo Salici, Lungadige Attiraglio) were probably wanted in the present form by whom translated them, due to the wish of perpetuate typical lexical terms.
55. Gianna Ferrari De Salvo - Giovanni Rapelli, Note sulla toponomastica di Sanguinetto – in In memoria di Paolo Soliman (“Quaderni della Bassa Veronese”, no. 1), edited by Bruno Chiappa, Sanguinetto 2004, pages 185-202.
(Notes on the toponymy of Sanguinetto.) A revision of the little book concerning Sanguinetto (for which see “Books”, § 7). A lot of ancient attestations so far unknown are mentioned, together with some second thoughts on the former etymologies.
56. La Commissione per la Toponomastica del comune di Verona – in “Atti del convegno ‘Odonomastica: criteri e normative sulle denominazioni stradali’, Trento 25 settembre 2002” [= ‘Transactions of the meeting “Odonymy—principles and regulations on the street names”, Trento, September 25, 2002’], Trento 2005, pages 125-126.
(The Commission for Toponymy of the Municipality of Verona.) Here the author quotes the official principles followed by the Commission for Toponymy of the Municipality of Verona in naming the streets and the squares of the town.
57. Un viadanese sui monti della Lessinia – in Giovanni Tassoni (1905-2000) demologo e letterato nel centenario della nascita, edited by Giuseppe Flisi, publication cared by the editor, Viadana 2005, pages 75-77.
(A man from Viadana on the Lessinia mountains.) Here Giovanni Tassoni is commemorated. This is practically the republication of an article already appeared in CT (see § 49 above), however with text reduced for editorial reasons.
58. Tassoni nel centenario della nascita – in CT no. 33, 2005, pages 101-108.
(Tassoni in the centenary of his birth.) Article divided into two parts: the first contains a biography of the great folklorist, the second is the report of a panel dedicated to Tassoni by the Accademia Virgiliana of Mantua on April 9, 2005. The latter contains the text of a short relation read by Rapelli at the Accademia Virgiliana both on Tassoni’s activity inside the Curatorium Cimbricum Veronense and on the role he played in the publication of “Testi cimbri” (see “Books”, § 2). The relation has been published in the Transactions of the Accademia Virgiliana, volume LXXIII, 2005.
59. La storia dei Cimbri – in La Lessinia e i Cimbri, edited by Marzio Miliani - Aldo Ridolfi, Curatorium Cimbricum Veronense, Verona 2005, pages 19-26 and 73-76.
(The history of the Cimbri.) The second part (pages 73-76) includes samples of the Cimbrian tongue.
60. Biographies of Francesco Cipolla, Dante Olivieri, and Giovanni Solinas – in Dizionario biografico dei Veronesi (secolo XX), edited by Giuseppe Franco Viviani, Accad. di Agr. Sc. e Lett. di Verona, 2006, respectively vol. I, pages 239-240; vol. II, pages 599-600; vol. II, page 767.
61. L’etimologia di Altissimo, nell’alta valle del Chiampo – in CT no. 35, 2006, pages 91-96.
(The etymology of Altissimo, in the upper Chiampo Valley.)
62. Cenni di toponomastica – in Roverchiara: una comunità e il suo territorio, edited by Remo Scola Gagliardi, Roverchiara 2006, pages 361-364.
(Notes of toponymy.) Here 20 place names of the area are examined.
63. L’onomastica famigliare cimbra della zona tra Altopiano d’Asiago e XIII Comuni Veronesi – in CT no. 36, 2006, pages 49-56.
(The family names of the area between the Asiago Plateau and the Veronese XIII Communes.) A short essay read before the meeting “Between the two plateaus”, organized at Altissimo in July 1 and 2, 2006. The author gives a panorama of the surnames of sure or possible Cimbrian origin. A new etymology is proposed for Bócchese, perhaps the translation of the Vicenza personal name Cera, which would have become *Bóks.
64. Etimologia dei nomi di località – in Atti del Convegno “Tradizioni e sviluppo delle conoscenze storiche: le risorse di un territorio”, 4 settembre 2005, Biblioteca Comunale, Bovolone 2007, pages 9-14.
(Etymology of the place names.) An article on the etymology of the place names Lendinara, S. Giovanni Ilarione, Bionde, Sparavieri, Campostrin, S. Giorgio, Monte Tomba, Bovolone, Concamarise, Roverchiara, Tarmassia, Oppeano, Cerea, Legnago, Salizzole, Trambellarè. Moreover, the author rejects the common opinion that Bovolone derives from ranabòdolo ‘tadpole’, and reproposes Olivieri’s explanation from a Longobard personal name.
65. Una nuova proposta etimologica per “Roma” – in RIOn 2, 2007, pages 540-543.
(A new etymological proposal for Roma.) The hypothesis here put forth is that Roma derives from an Etruscan *chruma meaning ‘turgidity, swelling = animal breast’ with reference to the Palatine hill, which originally was split into two summits, the Germalus and the Palatium. Such a term would be strictly related to grumus ‘hillock’. The drop of ch- would also occur in Italian randello, if from an Etruscan *chrant ‘thick, big’ (related to Venetian caranto ‘big stone’, already derived by the author from Etruscan).
66. Note su alcuni cognomi di trovatelli veronesi – in RIOn 1, 2008, pages 109-116.
(Notes on some surnames of Veronese foundlings.) In the first part, the names and the surnames of the foundlings received in the first two months of 1876 are analyzed linguistically, in order to understand how one created the surnames of those children. In the second part, the author analyzes with the same principle a cluster of names and surnames obtained from the registers of the periods 1820-1823 and 1819-1824.
67. La lingua cimbra – in CT no. 40, 2008, pages 63-70.
(The Cimbrian language.)
68. Dal latino al veronese: l’evoluzione di un dialetto – in Antologia del 60° (1948-2008), Cenacolo di Poesia Dialettale Veronese “B. Barbarani”, Verona 2009, pages VII-XV.
(From Latin to Veronese—the evolution of a dialect.)
69. Il nomignolo veronese Sòsena – in RIOn 2, 2010, pages 581-583.
(The Veronese nickname Sòsena.) Here the author proposes the derivation of the odd term from another Veronese nickname, that is Meòdena ‘somebody who is present, a fellow, a chap’—which in its turn appears to reflect an ancient Bavarian-German phrase *mein Òdam ‘myself, I’. From Meòdena the phrase *so Òdena ‘he’ would have been formed, and this expression would have become Sòsena due to a false phonetic correction.
70. Lenizione e geminazione nel latino: l’influsso etrusco – in “Senecio”, from April 2nd, 2011.
(Lenition and gemination in Latin—the Etruscan influence.) Short article aiming at demonstrating that Latin accepted many Etruscan words changing their voiceless consonants into voiced ones. In the meantime the author proposes to see the consonant gemination of Latin as a direct product of an Etruscan feature.
71. Sull’importanza culturale delle lingue minori – in CT 45, 2011, pages 21-25.
(About the cultural importance of the minor languages.) Text of a report communicated on Sept. 25, 2010, in a meeting on “The cultural value of the languages and dialects of the Alpine valleys” held at Selva di Progno (in the days 24 through 26 September). The author remarks that the study of the non-official languages and dialects may yield very positive results—both the place names and certain linguistic survivals in the modern languages could be better understood, and besides a tie with whom preceded us could be preserved. Incidentally, here a word is quoted which belongs to the Monti Lessini dialect and was so far completely unknown, a word of sure Cimbrian origin— el bèro, el bère or la bèra ‘the mole cricket’, undoubtedly similar to the German die Werre ‘the mole cricket’.
72. L’odonomastica di Verona: dialetto e storia – in Lo spettacolo delle parole: studi di storia linguistica e di onomastica in ricordo di Sergio Raffaelli, edited by Enzo Caffarelli - Massimo Fanfani (with the collaboration of Alberto Raffaelli), “Quaderni Italiani di RIOn 3”, Rome 2011, pages 419-429.
(Street names of Verona—dialect and history.) Here the etymology of the following place names is dealt with—Lungadige Attiraglio, Piazza Brà, le Regàste, Via Scrimiari, Vicolo Sàlici, Vicolo Crocioni, Vicolo Quadrelli, Via Cadréga, Vicoletto cieco Racchetta, Vicolo Mòise, Vicolo Pietrone, il Savàl, la Granʒàra. Quite new is the etymology of Vicolo Pietrone (= ‘boulder alley’), whose name derives from the river boulder (said in ancient Veronese dialect preón) that today is preserved in the nearby little church of St. Zeno in Oratorio, and that according to the legend was the boulder on which saint Zeno was sitting when fishing in the river Adige.
73. Review of: Marino Bonifacio, Cognomi del comune di Pirano e dell’Istria (IV), Edizioni Il Trillo (“Lasa Pur Dir”), Pirano 2011, page 256 – in RIOn 1, 2012, pages 187-189.
(Family names of both the commune of Pirano and Istria.) In this article the author quotes his etymology of the place name Pizzegòro by Recoaro, from a Cimbrian *Pinzgauer ‘native of the Pinzgau by Salzburg’, and among Bonifacio’s merits two conclusions deserve to be emphasized—his derivation of the family name Pastrovícchio from the Montenegro historical area of ‘the Pastrovichio’ (or ‘the Pastrovichis’) and above all his remark that the odd, frequent Dalmatian patronimic ending -èo (as in Tommasèo) is typical of Ragusa/Dubrovnik.
74. Le vie di Verona parlano: la Giarina – in NT 48, December 2012, pages 8-9.
(The streets of Verona speak—the Giarina.) An etymological and historical survey of the street names of the Veronese Giarina quarter.
75. Toponomastica: Valpantena e Squaranto – in Valpantena dal Vinum Raeticum all’Amarone, edited by Bruno Avesani, Vago di Lavagno 2013, pages 63-69.
(Toponymy—Valpantena and Squaranto.) An etymological survey of the pre-Roman place names of the Valpantena and the Val Squaranto.
76. Toponomastica: il periodo romano e quello medievale – in Valpantena dal Vinum Raeticum all’Amarone, edited by Bruno Avesani, Vago di Lavagno 2013, pages 97-106.
(Toponymy—the Roman and the medieval period.) An etymological survey of the place names both in the Val Pantena and in the Val Squaranto from the Roman colonization to the medieval settlements.
77. Le vie di Verona parlano: S. Stefano – in NT 49, April 2013, pages 6-7.
(The streets of Verona speak—Santo Stefano.) An etymological and historical survey of the street names of the Veronese Santo Stefano quarter.
78. Review of: Massimo Pittau, Lessico italiano di origine etrusca: 407 appellativi 207 toponimi, “Quaderni Italiani di RIOn” 4, Rome 2012, pages XXVI + 134 – in RIOn 1, 2013, pages 227-231.
(Italian lexicon of Etruscan origin—407 nouns, 207 place names.) It is noteworthy that the author disputes here the etymology of the place name Verona which M. Pittau attributes to him. M. Pittau misunderstood a private communication on the subject sent by Rapelli to him some years before.
79. Parliamo del Carnevale – in NT 51, December 2013, pages 10-11.
(Let’s speak of the Carnival.) Here a short history of the Veronese carnival is described, together with its more typical characters—Papà del Gnoco (‘Dumpling Daddy’), Duca de la Pignata (‘Duke of the Pot’), Principe Reboano (‘Prince Reboano’), Re Teodorico and Cassiodoro (‘King Theodoric together with Cassiodoro’). Bertoldo, Simeon da l’Isolo (‘Simeon from the Isolo’), Mastro Sogàr (‘Master Roper’), Re del Magnaron (‘King of the Goby’), la Parona (‘the She-Owner’).
80. Continuative collaboration to the on-line magazine ilcondominionews, from January 2014. Here short articles are written about the etymology of place names, family names, or dialectal terms all referred to the province of Verona.
81. Le vie di Verona parlano: San Zeno – in NT 52, May 2014, pages 8-9.
(The streets of Verona speak—San Zeno.) An etymological and historical survey of the street names of the Veronese San Zeno quarter.